Sunday, December 6, 2020

My online presence


     Here is the thing about my online presence. I do not really have that big of an online footprint. I do not really post things on social media, and I do not have my one website the only thing I do use is search browsers. I do have a Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Toc account but I never go on them, or if I do it would be months in between checks. For example the last thing I posted to social media was the beginning of Freshman year of college, and it was for a charity event. I never go on Facebook or Twitter at all. The only things I use those social media platforms for are to set up accounts to games I have on my phone as a backup. 

    What a visitor can learn about me on my Instagram is that I like hanging out with my friends and family, where I go to school(which is not the best now that I think about it), that I like food, and that I like shows like Dr. Who and anime. I have voluntarily given out my email address to a few websites mostly gaming websites that shoot me a email when a new update has come out for a game I like, or shopping websites like amazon. With my phone number however  I try to be more careful about giving that info out because spam email is easy to handle, but phone bots and scammers not so much. These sites that have my email are Twitch, YouTube, Nintendo,,, and Activision. These are all focused on gaming and nothing else. In my opinion social media makes you terribly depressed for multiple reasons. Feeling unworthy, making a bad comment on Twitter and people come after you, and the pressure of getting likes, retweets, and the like are all bad for a persons health. That is why I try my best to stay off social media, because it is all a minefield. That is my online presence and how I try my best to keep my footprint small. 

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My online presence

        Here is the thing about my online presence. I do not really have that big of an online footprint. I do not really post things on soc...