Sunday, December 6, 2020

My online presence


     Here is the thing about my online presence. I do not really have that big of an online footprint. I do not really post things on social media, and I do not have my one website the only thing I do use is search browsers. I do have a Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Toc account but I never go on them, or if I do it would be months in between checks. For example the last thing I posted to social media was the beginning of Freshman year of college, and it was for a charity event. I never go on Facebook or Twitter at all. The only things I use those social media platforms for are to set up accounts to games I have on my phone as a backup. 

    What a visitor can learn about me on my Instagram is that I like hanging out with my friends and family, where I go to school(which is not the best now that I think about it), that I like food, and that I like shows like Dr. Who and anime. I have voluntarily given out my email address to a few websites mostly gaming websites that shoot me a email when a new update has come out for a game I like, or shopping websites like amazon. With my phone number however  I try to be more careful about giving that info out because spam email is easy to handle, but phone bots and scammers not so much. These sites that have my email are Twitch, YouTube, Nintendo,,, and Activision. These are all focused on gaming and nothing else. In my opinion social media makes you terribly depressed for multiple reasons. Feeling unworthy, making a bad comment on Twitter and people come after you, and the pressure of getting likes, retweets, and the like are all bad for a persons health. That is why I try my best to stay off social media, because it is all a minefield. That is my online presence and how I try my best to keep my footprint small. 

What I learned EOTO


What I learned about the spiral of silence is that you don't what to make argument about something that the majority of people believe to be right. We as human beings don't want to be isolated so we usually go along with what the majority of people say. This has especially been seen this year about how if you vote a certain way than you are a racist without even knowing who the person is and why they are voting that way. That is what I learned about the spiral of silence. 

Illusory Truth Effect


    The illusory truth effect describes how, when we hear false information repeated again and again, we believe it to be true. This can be through many things word of mouth, social media, the internet, and everything else you can get information from. This is typically used in spreading most common misconceptions that we have about certain things about our society. Some of these misconceptions include that vitamin C can prevent you from getting sick. Another one is that the buying a diamond ring has been around since the beginning of time, and that diamonds are super rare and expensive. Finally, the one that I see the most is that vaccinations cause disorders such as autism. Which is not true at all. But, when people see it all over the place the come to believe that it is the truth. This affects our society because this leads people into believing things that are not true, defending the false truth, and keeping the myth going for a long period of time. Sometimes even for generations at a time. Why is this so prominent in today's society more than in the past. That is because of the integration of social media has sped up the passage of information spreading that is a hundred times more effective than through the process of the mouth or by newspapers in the past.

    The most prominent example of this is when a influencer with a lot of followers says something and because the followers believe that the influencer is trustworthy they believe anything that comes out of their mouth. If that is the case then how do we get around this? It is easier than it looks what you have to do to not fall into this trap of band-wagoning is to look stuff up yourself before you take a side. Do research and make sure the info that your getting has been proven, or that it is totally made up, or even better if the info has been taken from a source and re-worded to fit the persons needs. The example I like to give on that is the believe that videogames cause violence. That is just not the case, but it has been used by the government so many times because they use it as a scapegoat instead on focusing on what needs to be changed. So remember DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Make sure you are getting the right information, and never fall for the illusory truth effect.

Illusory truth effect - Biases & Heuristics | The Decision Lab

APA reaffirms position on violent video games and violent behavior

What I learned from the Ted Talks

 What I learned is that privacy is not always a guarantee. The things you do and say online can really destroy everything you have built over years in an instant. We all have to be careful and even if a app says that the post goes away it is not gone forever. That is what I learned from the Ted Talks.   

Diffusion Theory of Tik Toc

Tik Tok was first founded in September of 2016, and didn't get launched until a year later in 2017. Then, a month later they brought which was another social app that you could lip sync your favorite lines from movies, or songs. After those two apps merged they brought the fanbase with them. These first couple of months are when the innovators and the early adopters came in and were the first to use the app. But how did this app become so popular? It became so popular because of the fact that trend setting is easy and can be spread super fast on Tik Tok. This is when the majority of people came on to Tik Tok to be part of the action. These short videos made it on YouTube and other platforms that let so many people know and join this new social media platform. After a year of Tik Toc being out it reached 800 million downloads. Anytime after this is when the people who were lagging behind started slowly joining Tik Toc.  The downside to this app was that it was made in China so the government was worried that the app was being monitored and were taking your privacy away. In the past year Tik Toc was supposed to be of the app store in this passed November. But, an American company came in and took over the rights to Tik Toc in America so it is still going strong today. That is the diffusion theory of Tik Tok. 

TikTok - Wikipedia

Thursday, October 15, 2020

What I learned from the presentations

 I learned that the cassette tapes were started in Belgium, and that it was reviled to Europe in Berlin Radio Show. I also learned that the reason they became so popular was because of the invention of the Walkman but declined because of the invention of the CD. Also, that in the 2000's that they became obsolete. That is what I learned from the presentation on cassette tapes.     

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Media Research Assignment

 The history of YouTube is an interesting one, and its influence has effected us all the way up to this day. At first, YouTube was thought of by  Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, three former employees of the American company known as PayPal. They thought the site would be a good way to share "home videos" that families made as an social media platform. YouTube first started with capital funding of 11.5 million dollars, and in April 2005 the first video ever uploaded to YouTube was made called "Me at the Zoo." After a short beta testing period the site launched in December of 2005 and the first video to get 1 million views was made shortly after, which was a Nike commercial. After a quick boom the next year Google quickly acquired the company for around 1.65 billion dollars in stock. In June of 2007 YouTube was launched in the UK as well as 6 other countries. After YouTube grew a little more, HD videos were introduced in December of the same year, and a lot more people were finding new uses of the quickly growing site. In 2009 multiple things occurred, YouTube was now able to reach 1080p, the website was reaching 1 billion views per day, and had a partnership with channel 4 meaning they had to catch up with TV for the first time. This was also around the time gaming and vlogging videos became of interest to the viewers of YouTube.  In 2010, the site views grew to 3 billion views per day, and people could start making their living off of posting things on YouTube. Since 2012 YouTube has grown to a multi-million dollar company and it is still going to grow stronger in the future. 

What  are the advantages and disadvantages to YouTube as a whole? Some advantages include being able to make, post, and receive content and info anywhere you are. It is a comforting system that is very easy to use. Finally, it reaches all across the globe and has a global audience. Disadvantages of YouTube are that their is violence on some of the videos. You are unable to control what content actually shows up in the que on the right side of your screen. The amount of marketing that uses things you like on the site to make specific ads for you to buy something. Finally, it is a huge distraction in your life and you can waste hours of your day watching videos instead of being productive. 

My online presence

        Here is the thing about my online presence. I do not really have that big of an online footprint. I do not really post things on soc...