Sunday, December 6, 2020

Diffusion Theory of Tik Toc

Tik Tok was first founded in September of 2016, and didn't get launched until a year later in 2017. Then, a month later they brought which was another social app that you could lip sync your favorite lines from movies, or songs. After those two apps merged they brought the fanbase with them. These first couple of months are when the innovators and the early adopters came in and were the first to use the app. But how did this app become so popular? It became so popular because of the fact that trend setting is easy and can be spread super fast on Tik Tok. This is when the majority of people came on to Tik Tok to be part of the action. These short videos made it on YouTube and other platforms that let so many people know and join this new social media platform. After a year of Tik Toc being out it reached 800 million downloads. Anytime after this is when the people who were lagging behind started slowly joining Tik Toc.  The downside to this app was that it was made in China so the government was worried that the app was being monitored and were taking your privacy away. In the past year Tik Toc was supposed to be of the app store in this passed November. But, an American company came in and took over the rights to Tik Toc in America so it is still going strong today. That is the diffusion theory of Tik Tok. 

TikTok - Wikipedia

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