Thursday, September 3, 2020


In my life I have seen, and read from a lot of news sources. I don't really like the news but here are my 

top five news sources if I had to get news at any time.

1. Fox News
The reason this is one of my favorite places to get the news from and not CNN is because of the fact that CNN is too on top of Donald Trump and Fox at least tries to report on major news stories happening in the world today. I know that they have their own political views but I know that so I take it with a grain of salt. That I why Fox News is one of my favorite news sources.

2. Kotaku 
If I ever need to find news related to gaming, and the happenings in the tech industry Kotaku is one of my first choice News sources. They are usually up to date with gaming news and controversies in the gaming industry, and in my opinion their focus is to try to tell the truth directly to the consumer so that we can accurately respond to the news. If you are a gamer and like to hear news about big tech companies this is the news source for you. 

3. New York Times
I like this news source because for big topics that happen across the country I think that they do a good job of reporting on it. I can't say that I can trust this news source for everything because like other big new sources they are biased in their views. But, I can say from my experience that in general they are a pretty good news source to use. I would say to others to only go to this news source only for general overview of situations only. 

4. The Washington Post 
I like this  news source as a way to see what is happening in Washington D.C. and any major events that are happening there. As a news source I put them on the same line as the New York Times as I don't really trust them because of the biases but I do thing they do a good job reporting on situations in D.C. I can't recommend anyone to use this website but only if they are looking for an overview of a topic that happened in the news. 

5. BBC News
I like BBC News because they in my opinion do a great job with reporting on Worldwide News and they give great insight into things as a whole. I trust this news site as a good source of world news and I highly recommend this news source as a whole because of the fact that this news source is based on world news and gives a different look at US news as a whole.

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