Sunday, October 11, 2020

Does the first Amendment condone violence

In this news article BLM protesters break windows of homes in the suburbs after a black policeman was cleared of charges when shooting a armed black teenager at a mall. That night BLM protesters through rocks through peoples homes and residents were warned to lock doors and stay away from windows that night. The people who do this claim that it is their first amendment right to say and do this things because it is protected under their "Freedom of Speech." Is this behavior protected under the Bill of Rights as they say? Is it a way of expressing Freedom of Speech? No, no it is not. People sometimes get confused with Speech/Action Dichotomy which is the believe that actions are the same as words and is just another way to express speech. This is true for the most part that some speech requires action but not all action is protected under the First Amendment. After all, "The first amendment is not absolute and that protection is not covered under the Laws of general applicability." Which basically means that doing crimes and labeling them as free speech doesn't protect you in the slightest. So in all the First Amendment protects BLM as a right to a peaceful protest, but it does not condone violence, crimes, and riots under Free Speech. 

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